Sunday, August 31, 2014

Moving Forward

Its the end of the summer season, one last trip out of town and one last BBQ. Sometimes entering a new season serves as a reminder for me, a reminder to make room for the new things that are coming into my life. In order to make room for the new things, material or other wise, we have to leave the old (past) behind. In my case its letting go of the fat in my body to make room for lean muscles, summer clothing for fall clothing, bad habits for new great habits, and memories of the bad times to make room for new memories.

Moving forward also could mean leaving some people in your life in the past, to make room for the great relationships waiting for you.

Whatever stage of our lives we are in, I change is good, change signifies moving forward.

I plan to go with the seasons and leave the past behind, make room for the new, and keep moving forward.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I Learned

"In three words I can sum up what I've learned about life: It goes on." Robert Frost

During this wonderful weekend I rediscovered or relearned something new. The lesson was costly and time consuming but did I learn something ? Yes in deed. I learned more than one thing, but what will forever stay with me is the fact that every one has their own way of thinking.

Now some people reading this they might say "Duh Mercedes, we all know that", for the most part I know this but in my daily life going to and from work and running my weekly and errands I see people doing the same things I'm doing and some how I forget that we aren't all doing or going to the same place.

My beautiful point here is that aren't we lucky that all humans don't think alike. It's what makes this whole beautiful planet so great. I think and do how I want and you do the same.

 "It goes on".

Mercedes Cruz

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rest Day

Sunday is my official rest day. I eat the foods I want and do something that makes me happy weather it's by myself or with a friend. But this wasn't always the case for me. I would say that such and such days were my "rest days" and something would come up; a meeting, writing deadlines, family or friend events. This full schedule was starting to take a toll on my mental and physical health, as well as my relationship with friends and most importantly my partner.

At first it was hard to see "Why was I so stressed out?"
I started to doubt my abilities "Was I not smart, innovative or determined enough to do it all". These thoughts of self doubt only added fuel to the fire that was already starting between my boyfriend and I . It wasn't until I  was awaken on a Sunday morning by a sharp shooting pain going up and down the whole right side of my body. I could barely get up. I decided go see the massage/ acupuncture shop on the corner of my block. Something I had not done for while. I got lucking and the friendly staff squeeze me in for a later appointment. I went home, walking in pain and two hours later went back for my one hour deep tissue massage. I left the place feeling like a new me. I went home and had some much need fun.

So don't wait to give yourself a rest, because life waits for no one. The reports, articles, errands will still be there.

Take your rest day serious and honor it as if it were a work day. Your sex life will thank you for it.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


We all have commitments, young and old, the first and most obvious one being staying alive. Then many adults have professional commitments. For me my professional commitments including writing a blog post weekly, staying active as a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and continuing to write and submit my short stories and romance novels.

I also have a commitment to my boyfriend, a commitment to be honest and faithful. When I am honest I am myself, relaxed and happy. My personal and professional commitments also keep me honest because those are things I find important.

Being in a relationship is easy only if we are committed to working on it every single week in and out, when both persons are committed to being with each other in an open and honest relationship the road becomes smoother to travel on.

Monday, August 4, 2014

As Much Love as I Give Myself

I'm a big believer that we should give what and when we can to others, and in return we will get this back; not necessarily from the same person. I also believe that if we over give we open ourselves up to be taken advantage of. So the concept is still true when you give more than you have; time, money, love, attention, you leave yourself with none.

You not only have none for yourself but now you're depleted making you bitter. This affects your professional and personal relationship and if this cycle doesn't change not much in your life will change.

I plan on giving my partner as much love as I give myself.