Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stop, Look and Listen

As a women with many friends I often contemplate, like a lot of women; how my relationship with my partner is different or the same as my friends. I do the "comparison" thing in the back of my head, not because I have to but because I can, and thoughts are like opinions everyone has one.

So I realize that these "thoughts" I have when I compare my life, relationship, job, income, lifestyle are all stories, yes stories I tell myself about how better or worse a friend is in a certain area of their life. Of course the people we most associate with affect our lives, but each person as an individual adult has a preset determined list of what they consider wrong or right. So if we have our own set of beliefs why are so many of us; myself included, so often preoccupied with thoughts of comparison.

I propose a new idea for myself, stop, look and listen.

STOP the random thoughts, the moment you notice them.
LOOK at yourself, mirror, reflection, recognize yourself as you.
LISTEN to what is going on around you; someone talking to you or just the sound of the wind.

When we can recognize and accept us for being us without comparison we continue to move forward to a better place in all aspect of our lives.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Captains' Desires

This weeks blog post is dedicated to "desires".
Definition: to wish or long for; crave, want.

I desire many things in my life, material, mental, and spiritually things. I desire to have a well written blog that inspires, motives readers to be a better person, that's just one example. I bring up the subject because I realized long time ago that we individually carry within us the ability to motive ourselves, where does that motivation come from, you got it "DESIRE" when you want it, you want it. I love that I have some many desires, it keeps me going everyday even when I want to quit my 9-5 or just tell some people to "go shove it".

This also takes me to the part were I bring up my relationship with my wonderful boyfriend. I discuss my desires with him, he is clearly aware of them and when I am slacking and not doing what I said I would, I can count on him pointing it out. He never once criticized my desires; OK maybe once, my desire to travel the world with him, but I'm still working on it. But seriously its so important to have a partner that supports your desires, I encourage everyone to share your wants with your partner on a daily basis. Also when the haters come by to visit, whether at work, family or friends, and they will; please just remember who is running the ship, if you look in the mirror you'll see the Captain of the ship.

Captain Mercedes Cruz

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Our Handbook

This year has been a year full of changes for the better, a new job, new apartment, new friends, but most importantly a stronger relationship with my partner.

As time passes and we each continue to pursue our goals while supporting each other our commitment for each other gets stronger. I often wondered how couples living with each other for years in harmony did it. I know there is no handbook on "how to navigate your relationship" because each couple has a unique relationship with each other. However if I made a handbook for my past self to read it would definitely say "keep moving forward each towards a goal, always having each other in mind and nothing is impossible".

Monday, October 6, 2014

"The Only One"

Sometimes when I'm alone, and no one is around. I think about all of the wonderful people, things and places in my life. With that said, I think about my relationship with my boyfriend. A wonderful man who I love and respect.

I never thought to myself "the only one" for me when I met my boyfriend or when I fell in love with him, and I still don't believe in that theory. What I do believe is that relationships are a compromise between two consenting  adults. The relationship has its up's and down's. In the process we learn each others ways, and have decided to stay together and move forward together.

For me the only one for sure always in my life is myself, I know that no matter what happens between me and someone else. The only one I will always have to responded to is me, because I can't leave my body until its time to go.

Getting to the point "The Only One" already exist in your life, look in the mirror and you will see that person.